The Difference Between a Cane and a Dog: Stopping in a Reactive Vs. Proactive Environment I had a guide dog for 12 years. Katie worked with me for 10 of those 12 years and we… Continue reading “The Difference Between a Cane and a Dog: Stopping in a Reactive Vs. Proactive Environment”…
The Difference Between Hearing and Listening “No, I’m not Bipolar.” Some years back, I was doing an intake with a psychiatrist. That long one that takes… Continue reading “The Difference Between Hearing and Listening”…
The Exposure Business Do you ever realize just how much you have to say to the world? When the world and so-called social… Continue reading “The Exposure Business”…
Compliance and Compatibility I recently received a newsletter from the Whole30 founder, Melissa Urban. I have been interested in the Whole30 since 2015… Continue reading “Compliance and Compatibility”…
Living in a Coronovirus (Covid-19) World as a Blind Person My First Facebook Live Video, and Living in a Coronoviurs (Covid-19) World as a Blind Person Fantales Fantales, a new… Continue reading “Living in a Coronovirus (Covid-19) World as a Blind Person”…
The Mess of Messaging My good friend, mentor, and one of the coolest guys on the planet, Rick Tamlyn, has a saying: “Your Mess… Continue reading “The Mess of Messaging”…
Entrepreneurs Need to Stop Fighting for Scraps and Go for the Buffet Hi there, Gang, long time, no post, I know. I was so inspired by this line that I had to… Continue reading “Entrepreneurs Need to Stop Fighting for Scraps and Go for the Buffet”…
Words, Have, Impact Think Before You Speak Why is it that some people don’t understand what impact their words have on others? I… Continue reading “Words, Have, Impact”…
Does any other blind person out there think High Fives are awkward? Does any other blind person out there think High Fives are awkward? Given the rather intense nature of the previous… Continue reading “Does any other blind person out there think High Fives are awkward?”…
Losing Faith Losing faith. Faith. The word immediately evokes a different thing to every person who hears it. To the devout Catholic,… Continue reading “Losing Faith”…